Black History Month Box

Black History Month Box
Black History Month Box

Black History Month Box

Regular price $68.97
Books per box

Expert-curated for children ages 6-10+, this one-time Black History Month Box features books that explore significant leaders and moments in Black history. 

This box is especially important in this political and cultural climate during which Black history is being silenced and misrepresented through ever-increasing bans and legislation targeting Black history books and curriculum.

Sharing these books, leaders, movements, and social change strategies also provides concrete examples and real-world education around how change occurs. These books explore how many people through many different types of actions created, and still create, change toward the more fair, just, loving, equitable, inclusive, gentle world we seek -- offering the question: What actions can we, with our kids, take in this moment?

Orders for these boxes will be accepted until Tuesday, February 12th, and these boxes will ship out to you during the week of February 24th. 

Black History Month Boxes are in addition to, and NOT included, in subscriptions. There will be no overlap between the books in these boxes and the books in subscribers' March boxes.

Please note that the books in the images are examples of the types of books that you may receive in these boxes, depending on the box size you choose and available inventory.

Any questions? Please contact us at

The books in this box are critically reviewed and mindfully chosen by our Curation Team for children ages 6-10+ years old. 

  • Affirm your values around diversity, Black history, equity, inclusion, social justice, activism, and love while sharing high-quality children's books with the special children in your world.
  • Our Curation Team members who review your books share expertise from librarianship, teaching, early childhood development, psychology, racial and other identity bias, and parenting. All Curation Team members -- and their children -- have the lived experience of being under-represented in children's books.
  • Feel pride knowing you're exercising your consumer power to be counted in support of diverse children's books. OurShelves advocates for the many diverse books currently under attack. We also advocate for the many more diverse books still needed. Together, we're proving to publishers the currently underestimated audience for these books, especially in times like these.
  • FREE SHIPPING within the U.S. Please contact us at if you'd like to receive these books in Canada or the UK.

Who will love these books?

The hardback picture books are thoughtfully chosen by our expert Curation Team for children ages 6-10+ to deepen understanding around Black history and how social change occurs.

When will my box ship out?

Black History Month boxes ship the week of February 24th.

What will be inside my box?

Depending on the quantity you choose, 3 or 5 hardback picture books that deepen understanding around Black history and how social change occurs. Note that the books in the images are examples of the types of books that will be in these boxes, depending on the size of box you order and available inventory.

Who pays for shipping?

OurShelves is thrilled to offer FREE SHIPPING within the U.S.! Please email us at if you'd like your box shipped to Canada or the UK.

What if I have feedback to share?

Yes, please. We always welcome your feedback here.

Books previously featured

A Song for the Unsung by Carole Boston Weatherford, Rob Sanders, & Byron McCray
Ketanji by Kekla Magoon and Laura Freeman
That Flag by Tameka Fryer Brown and Nikkolas Smith


OurShelves is a quarterly diverse book box for children.

We curate high-quality children’s books that feature racially and ethnically diverse, LGBTQ+, disabled, feminist, and other characters and families currently under-represented in kids’ books.

We advocate for the many more diverse books still needed, in part by proving the significant audience for such books through our growing membership.

How it Works

Red Number One
Choose your book box

You choose the type of book box you receive every 3 months: 

Sunshine Box (Ages 0-2)
Rainbow Box (Ages 2-5)
Treehouse Box (Ages 5-8)

Orange Number Two
Receive expert-curated books

Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that our Curation Team lives and breathes finding, and delivering to your doorstep, the very best books!

Cherish and share

Cherish these special stories. Share them throughout your community. Also, share with us who and what types of stories are still missing on your shelves, which we can incorporate into our advocacy.

The characters our children meet in their books matter.

Our books feature LGBTQ+, racially and ethnically diverse, disabled, feminist, and other traditionally under-represented characters and families in children’s books.

Your Subscription Matters

Two Children Enjoying Their Kid's Book Subscription Box
To you and your children

Our books affirm, empower, and connect.

Adult and Child Read a Children's Book
To your community

Share our stories with your school,
or library, and as birthday, shower,
or holiday gifts.

Two Woman Smiling About Pregnancy
To advocate for more diverse books

Be counted. Publishers will create
more of these books as they understand just how many of us there are seeking these books.