Meet Rich Lo, Author and Illustrator of ONE, TWO, THREE DIM SUM

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OurShelves is your trusted resource for expert-curated diverse kids' books along with additional resources to deepen engagement with the books and topics they raise.

In this blog post, you'll find:
  • A video storytime and discussion with Rich Lo, author and illustrator of ONE, TWO, THREE DIM SUM;
  • Ways to engage your infants and toddlers with Rich's video and book; and 
  • Advocacy actions you can take with your children as they get older to support diverse books and their creators amid unprecedented book bans targeting diverse books.


    Enjoy this storytime and discussion with Rich Lo, author and illustrator of ONE, TWO, THREE DIM SUM!

    "'Dim Sum' means 'touch your heart' in Chinese. The small portions were designed merely to touch the heart, not satisfy your appetite."

    -Rich Lo

    Tip for engaging infants and toddlers while reading:

    One of the foundational parts of learning to read is learning about books and text, which is an early literacy skill called print awareness! While reading with your little one, engage them in the physical process of reading by talking about the parts of a book and letting them help while reading (like turning the pages).

    Below are some examples to try out. (No need to try them all in one reading as attention spans can be short in these younger years:), but as you re-read the book again and again, notice what pages, pictures, and interactions are most engaging for your little one.)

    • "It's time to read the book!" Pick up the book backwards or upside down. Then, open it.) "Oops! When we start reading, we start with the cover! Where's the cover? Here's the cover!"
    • Talk about the book and pages before you start reading. You might share, "Wow, look at these big words on the front -- that's the title! This book is called ONE, TWO, THREE DIM SUM." Point out the title words and talk about their colors and letters.
    • While reading:"Hmm, I see the number two (point), the word two (point), and TWO chopsticks!" (point) Encourage your little one to point along with you.
    • "We read the words on this page, and we looked at the pictures. What do we do next? Time to turn the page!" Let your little one turn the page, or help them turn the page.
    • "This is the last page! I wonder what happens when we turn this page? The book is over! THE END!" Encourage your child to say, "the end," too, or give them a hug, smile, or other playful special moment they enjoy. "Should we read it again?"
    • Beyond the book -- point out numbers, letters, and count in your world: "I see TWO pencils . . . One . . . Two . . .  There are two pencils, just like there were TWO chopsticks in ONE, TWO, THREE DIM SUM!"

      Engage your children in taking action!

      Unprecedented book bans that disproportionally target racially, ethnically and religiously diverse, LGBTQ+, and other under-represented characters, authors, and illustrators are on the rise. (Learn more from Get Ready, Stay Ready.) 

      Here are 5 concrete actions you and your children can take to proactively support diverse books and their creators:

      1. Buy and borrow diverse books like ONE, TWO, THREE DIM SUM;
      2. Share this book and this video within your family, classrooms, library, and beyond;
      3. Send a note to Rich Lo to share why this special book matters to you;
      4. Follow your favorite authors and illustrators of diverse books, like Rich Lo (on Instagram and his website);
      5. Leave a short review for ONE, TWO, THREE DIM SUM and other favorite diverse books on Goodreads and Amazon.
      Visit our Advocacy page for more ways to take action!
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